Go Global Exchange Participant Information! Sept 2013 | Page 2

AIESEC – WHO ARE WE? VISION: “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential” AN INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO EXPLORE AND DEVELOP THEIR LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL. AIESEC enables students to turn potential into reality. As a not-for-profit organisation, AIESEC is run by students, for students, thus creating a stronger experience for each member. AIESEC provides the opportunity for students to develop professionally, personally and culturally by undertaking a leadership role or embarking on an international internship. Being placed in an unfamiliar environment, such as a different culture or a daunting leadership role is the fastest way to develop and grow. Develop yourself, experience the world. As a member of AIESEC, you have the ability to expand your network in more than 110 different countries, 56,000 members and more than 800,000 alumni. Being a part of AIESEC means being a part of a truly global organisation. GO GLOBAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM: GO VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: Go Volunteer program offers exchange opportunities in areas like raising awareness of HIV/AIDS, teaching English in schools and orphanages, cultural projects, and many more. This program is fun, creates positive impact, and is definitely for everyone to try! Requirements: Students or recent graduates of age 18-30, excellent English. Duration: 6 – 12 weeks Cost: $600 Destinations: Cambodia, Czech Republic, Hungary Colombia, Mauritius, Poland, Philippines, Taiwan, and many more! Salary: This is a volunteering program, however, most projects offer free accommodation and some offer food. GO TEACH PROGRAM: Go Teach provides students the opportunity to live an integrated learning experiences, which includes international experience in the field of language teaching (mainly English), working on tasks of teaching languages and/or modern languages and social sciences. AIESEC HAS SIX MAIN VALUES ON WHICH OUR DECISIONS, ACTIONS, PROJECTS AND EVENTS ARE BASED ON: Activate Leadership Strive for Excellence Live Diversity Demonstrate Integrity Act Sustainably Enjoy Participation WHY GET INVOLVED WITH US? ? Develop your personal and professional skills ? Meet awesome new people ? Travel the world ? Work and volunteering experience ? Experience new culture ? Push yourself out of your comfort zone ? Why not? You’re young. Experiment! Requirements: Students or recent graduates of age 18-30, excellent English, education, social science or language degree. Duration: 4 – 12 months Cost: $750 Destinations: Poland, China Salary: Covers basic living expenses in the exchange country. GO INTERN PROGRAM: Go Intern program provides students and recent graduates internship opportunities abroad. This program is highly competitive, and gives preference to people who have previously participated in other AIESEC programs. Requirements: Students or recent graduates of age 18-30, excellent English, business administration, marketing, finance, IT or engineering background. Benefits: Global learning environment, professional development, gain an international experience, strengthen global network, knowledge of corporate interests across the world, improved language skills, develop cross-cultural communication skills. Duration: 4 – 18 months Cost: $750 Destinations: Norway, Brazil Salary: Intern salary is paid, but varies on the exchange country. Salary is enough to cover living expenses in the country.