Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = GO _ e05 _ G rader _ h3 . xlsx- % 28solution % 29
Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = GO _ e05 _ G rader _ h3 . xlsx- % 28solution % 29
Sports Programs
Project Description :
In this project , you will create a worksheet for the Assistant Director of Athletics at Laurel College to analyze the available sports programs . To complete the project , you will sort and filter data , subtotal and group data , and apply themes to multiple worksheets .
Instructions :
For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks :
Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Excel . Download , save , and open the Excel 0 workbook named GO _ e05 _ Grader _ h3 . xlsx.