go_e03_grader_h2.xlsx (answer) Homework | Page 5

6 % Increase
4 % Increase
13 Copy the range B12 : F12 , and then Paste the selection
10.000 to B17 : F17 . Copy the range B13 : F13 and then paste the Values & Number Formatting to the range B18 : F18 . Complete the Projected Estimates section of the worksheet by changing the Projected Increase in B10 to 4 % ​and then copying the range B13 : F13 and pasting the Values & Number Formatting to B19 : F19 .
14 Select rows 8:24 , and then insert the same number of
10.000 blank rows as you selected ( 17 rows ). Clear Formatting from the inserted rows . By using the data in A4 : F5 , insert a Line with Markers chart in the worksheet . Move the chart so that its upper right corner is positioned in cell F9 .