Chinese New Year
Carnival Day
Celebrate the Lunar festival during
our annual Chinese New Year event
Join the fun with our Carnival Day
event to celebrate Brazilian culture
Thursday, February 19, 2015
International Office, Dennison Centre
Monday, March 2, 2015
All Day
International Office, Dennison Centre
To celebrate Chinese New Year Go Connect are organising
a fantastic event open to all students on campus, of all
nationalities which will be held on 19th of February. The
event itself will be filled with live music, entertainment and
a buffet. There are 6 interactive workshops that include
calligraphy, craft work, tangram puzzle session, mah-jong,
Chinese zodiac & Horoscopes, tradition & dress and Chinese lantern riddles and wishes.
To celebrate the Brazilian Carnival celebrations we are
going to be hosting some mini events that showcase
Brazil's Culture & Traditions.
The purpose of this annual event is to engage students
from different backgrounds with the Chinese culture by
providing a variety of interactive activities and learning
Last years event was a great success and we want to build
on that popularity. We will be hosting sports activities,
food tastings and a film screening. All students are encouraged to come along and take part and celebrate a tradition of carnival that stretches across the globe from Portugal, to America and of course, Brazil!
For more information checkout our Facebook page; UoH
Go Connect
Language Bites - Want to learn a language but don't have the time? Then join Go Connect for our Language Bite
sessions with the University of Hull Language Institute. There will be FREE session every month with a selection of different
language to learn, as well as new people to meet.
For more information on all our events then visit www.hull.ac.uk/goconnect
Alternatively you can check out our Facebook page by searching UoHGoConnect or email [email protected]