Go Connect Jan. 2015 | Page 3

Welcome to GO CONNECT Welcome to the Forth edition of Go Connect’s new online magazine created for our students. Why? So many of you already share your uni experience with us via social media, but you might not see what other students are doing. In fact, the content included in this magazine is created to encourage current students to have a International experience. The other reason, we are proud to be an International Community and want to share our events and activities; whether it is celebrating Carnival Day, visiting British towns and learning new languages and showcasing cultures in a week long festival. So don’t forget to share these highlights; whether they are for you, or even if you want to share them with friends further a field. Whether you study online, or on-campus, an important part of your time at university is forming friendships. Check out our social media networks for meeting new people, learning about cultures and seeing what opportunities are on offer. This magazine is about you! Tell us what you think, get involved and share your experiences. We can’t wait to hear from you. Pssst… don’t forget to 'like' our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with all our latest events, competitions and opportunities for UK & International Students.