2 Select the title , Oro Jade Hotel Group Going Green, and
6.000 apply the Fill – Blue , Accent 1 , Outline – Background 1 , Hard Shadow – Accent 1 text effect . Change the Font Size to 27 , and change the Font Color to Green , Accent 6 , Darker 25 %. Center the title .
3 Starting with the paragraph that begins CARE Enough ,
8.000 select all of the text from that point to the end of the page where the paragraph ends with if you can help . Be sure to include the paragraph mark after the period . Format the text as two columns . Set the alignment to Justify , change the line spacing to 1 and the Spacing After to 6 pt .
4 At the end of the Care Enough to Recycle section ,
3.000 format the Web address as a Hyperlink . In the second column , at the beginning of the paragraph that begins We are contracting , insert a column break .
5 At the top of the first column , select the paragraph
CARE Enough to Recycle . Change the Font Size to 14 , apply Bold , set the Font color to Green , Accent 6 , Darker 50 %, and Center the paragraph . Remove the