go_a01_grader_h3_Construction.accdb (answer) Homework | Page 5

and Budget Amount fields ( in that order ). Keep the default name of Projects Query , click Finish to display the query results , and then close the query .
13 Based on your Projects table , use the Form tool to
9 create a form for the table . Save the form as ​Project Form​ , display the form in Form view , and then close the form .
14 Based on your Projects table , use the Report tool to
10 create a report . Delete the Budget Amount field from the report . Save the report as ​Projects Report​ .
15 Sort the Building Project field in ascending order . Set
10 the width of the Building Project , Site , and Contractor fields to 2 inches . Delete the page number from the report , save the report , and then close the report .
16 Open the Navigation Pane , open the Event List form ,
10 and then close the Navigation Pane . In the Event List multiple-items form , enter the following two records ( the