gmhTODAY 30 gmhTODAY April June 2020s | Page 32

young professional of the year GILROY spice of life awards Majesta PATTERSON M Written By Kimberly Ewertz ajesta Patterson, 29, has a natural drive that’s served her well. This wife and mother of two chil- dren, Scarlett (4) and Asher (2), launched her first business in 2011, the same year she graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara. A year later she’d grown her company, Majesta Patterson Photography, into a six-figure business. Photography continues to be a pas- sion of hers but since February 2019, Majesta has focused her time and ener- gies on, Can I Take You to Coffee, a pod- cast series aimed at entrepreneur moms. Fast forward one year: “I’ve rebranded it and it launched in early 2020,” she said. “It’s now called, Real Talk with Biz Moms.” The current iteration of her series features roundtable discussions with women who identify as both business owners and moms. 32 “Those roles individually are very challenging and combined can be over- whelming,” she said. “The first five epi- sodes will all be the roundtable and then I’m going to intermix interviews and one-on-ones with experts. I have two to three other biz moms on the podcast with me and we’re having real conversa- tions about the challenges that we face as mothers and business owners.” The initial launch, which consisted of five episodes, included discussions on being present, maintaining balance, mom guilt, selfcare, and time manage- ment. Finding panel members to take part in the program was not a problem for Majesta. She posted notices on sev- eral Facebook groups that she was look- ing for entrepreneur moms. “Within the first 48 hours I had over 100 women apply to be on the podcast,” she said. GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN SPRING 2020 “There are so many pieces that go into being the mom you want to be and also being the business owner you want to be, there’s not one answer for everyone,” Majesta said. She views her podcast as “the first part of a customer journey.” “The podcast is just a way for me to introduce biz moms to this new space that I’m trying to create,” she said. “I’m hoping it will lead them into working with me.” That new space is her revamped online program which also premiered in early 2020, titled, The Biz Mom Collective, and is offered as a membership model. “I would really like to build a space where we’re supporting hundreds, if not thousands of biz moms and take their businesses to the next level and finding success without having to burn them- selves out; where they can find joy in their work again,” Majesta said. “Really the magic will be in the sup- port and community of other biz moms and like-minded women that are there for you in the trenches. Really create a plan for their own business and them- selves that will catapult their business and their confidence in their business,” she said. For more information about Real Talk w/Biz Moms and The Biz Mom Collective go to: