gmhTODAY 29 gmhTODAY Jan March 2020 | Page 56

R yan Dinsmore, 34, turns into the driveway at 8595 Murray Avenue in Gilroy and pulls his truck up to a sign that reads “Parking Designated for Alpine Landscapes.” He smiles, points to the sign, and shrugs: “My employees got that for me as a joke.” Ryan is the owner of Alpine Landscapes, a commercial landscape company that caters to Home Owners Associations (HOAs), large corporate campuses, some larger estates, and several retail centers. They don’t maintain small residential properties. Ryan is home grown. He was born and raised in Gilroy, played Little League, rode his bike, built tree houses, played baseball and graduated from Gilroy High. He’s tall and trim, has a broad smile, easy manner, and an ath- lete’s spring to his walk. He lives in Gilroy with his wife and two kids (3 years, and 3 weeks), a Rat Terrier and a Goldendoodle—who are best friends. “My wife has the cats. I have the dogs,” he says. When Ryan was a toddler, according to family legend, he took an early interest in landscaping, mowing the carpet in his father’s office with a plastic lawnmower. “When I was a kid,” Ryan says, “that’s what we did: garden. And when I got older, my summer jobs were with my dad’s companies. It’s not what I want- ed to do.” So, in 2008, he earned a bachelor’s degree at Chico State in Finance. “I sold loans for a couple years, and then I thought, well, maybe I should call my dad.” Allen Dinsmore, Ryan’s dad, owned Dinsmore Landscape Co. starting in 1983 and sold it in 1997. He started Alpine Landscapes in 1997. By 2010, when Ryan came on board, Alpine had wound down to about seven Alpine Landscaping Land Shapers Written & Photographed By Craig Lore 56 GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN WINTER 2020