GMB North West and Irish Region Connect Magazine May 2018 | Page 18
It may be dented, it may not stay on straight, but never allow anyone to dull your sparkle. Never allow
anyone to take away your power - you decide how you wish to feel – nobody has the right to tell you.
We discussed the role of women in the
trade union movement and used it to share
experiences, to laugh and come together.
If Women Rose Rooted was the book by
Sharon Blackie. I shared the story of the
Selkies – of her wearing coarse skins which try
as she might did not reflect who she was. She
began to perish trying to fit in for others. The
moral of the story was above all the risks out
there in the world, live an authentic life - be
yourself and listen to your instincts.
As Regional Equalities Officer it was a pleasure and a privilege to invite and hopefully inspire our sisters
at the conference. Our very own Regional Secretary, Paul McCarthy, opening the day’s event and
welcomed familiar faces and those who were there for the first time. He encouraged everyone to be
vocal and to become involved in the days’ events.
Clare Hargreaves read Clara Barton’s speech of Women’s suffrage and the powerful words resounded
within each of us. That she was born believing we have full rights without a price to be paid, to be
treated equally with respect and with freedom of speech.
That man is self-made and self-approved, placing crowns upon heads with their own hands. Karen
Lewis, Regional Officer with responsibility for Equalities shared the statement that was passed to her by
Senior Organiser, Giovanna Holt. Always wear your invisible crown!
We discussed the challenges and threats that we
encountered at work on a daily basis and how in some
places, where we managed to break through the glass
ceiling only to find that it had been doubled-glazed or, as
Thatcher did, pulled up the ladder completely!
We discussed the issues we face such as discrimination,
childcare issues, unequal pay, overlooked for promotion,
menopausal quips from misogynistic cave-men who
think it’s just banter or acceptable discussion – could we
ask if a man was having an erection if he suddenly went
blank…. I fear not!
We agreed we needed to rise rooted to ensure that
branches are relevant and reflective of the membership
which it represents.
Giovanna then shared the documentary, ‘Hull’s Headscarf Heroes’ I can fully recommend that you watch
this programme as all good fights are born from the wombs of women - from the first strike of 1,500
women within the Dagenham factory who fought for equal pay; the women of the Second World War - the
way women entered factories making parachutes and still raised a family only then to be persuaded and
encouraged to take back up their “normal duties”.
So a woman’s place is in her heart, not in the kitchen nor in the bedroom, unless she so desires. Women
don’t need to be ignored, women don’t need to find their voices, some just need empowering and a
collective contribution from the sisterhood - and I add the brotherhood too as the changes are universal
and starts with all humanity.
This changes the way strength is perceived, with courage, commitment and collective as these are the
key ingredients to any cake she didn’t decide to bake so we’re not moody, we are the motivators, the
mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers who carry the light that some try to dim. We are the trailblazers
that some try to trip up. We are never defeated whilst there is breath inside of us, we may get winded, but
tomorrow is another day so what you thought was a Phoenix rising from the ashes was really a
W O M A N…………
Karen Lewis
Regional Equalities Officer