GMAQ - Golf Management Australia Queensland Spring 2017 | Page 11
AustrAliA’s Most-REAd GOlF MAGAziNE
real reach = real results
AustrAliA’s Most-ACtIVE ONliNE GOlFErs
Not oNly is iNside Golf the most-read priNt publicatioN iN australiaN
Golf, but our oNliNe aNd social media commuNity are also amoNG the most
active aNd eNGaGed readers oNliNe!
iNside Golf social media
The 11,000+ (and growing) followers on
the Inside Golf Facebook page are 100%
real, active, golf-hungry readers. They
keenly follow, respond and share the
content on our page, as well as that of
our advertisers and partners.
Because our communities are full of
active and passionate golfers, our Social
Media posts, like those on our Facebook
Page, garner huge exposure and
cut-through. Much better exposure
than the industry average.
Just look at some of the recent
remarkable results achieved by a
few of our advertisers.