GMAQ - Golf Management Australia Queensland Autumn 2018 | Page 3

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR BY MARK WHITING I usually have too much to say, so let’s see if I can put it to good use! Welcome to the 1st edition of GMAQ’s e-mag for 2018. After a stellar reign as editor, the ever-reliable Scott Wagstaff has stepped back this year and passed the editor’s duties to me. I’m sure you will all join me in thanking Scott for the marvellous job he has done over many years. I am excited by the challenge of the new role and hopefully, with the assistance of the great crew at Golf Industry Central, we will be able to provide an informative and entertaining publication. The Golf industry’s premier evening, the QGI awards, was recently held at the Star Casino on the Gold Coast. With over 460 guests attending the event has grown to be, in my opinion, the showcase event of not only Queensland but also the Australian golf industry. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. While at the awards I had a quick chat with a fellow Golf Club Manager that went along the lines of; “So how’s business,” “Mate I made over $100,000 in the first six months, then got smashed by rain in January and February and lost the lot.” The conversation could have been had with many Managers I believe, given how prone we are to the weather. The reason I raise it is to illustrate one of the reasons the Golf Managers Association is vital to Club Managers. For it is only other Club Managers that can have an understanding of what each other goes through. Our boards try to understand but unless they are in our shoes, it’s difficult. We all have that certain lady committee member or that belligerent Veteran member in every Club, the characters are the same just with different names. We all battle the weather, the challenges with membership retention, the expectation of an ever demanding customer and the constant challenge in finding and keeping quality staff. When Managers come together over a beer, we know the other guy (or girl) gets it. About GMAQ Golf Management Australia - Queensland [GMAQ] is the professional organisation serving the needs of managers within Queensland Golf. This e-magazine is now a major communications channel and deliverance of up to date information for managers involved We can talk freely, we can unload, we can gain advice and sometimes we can simply just have a laugh and a good time. I have been fortunate enough to be a member of GMAQ for over 15 years and have held solid friendships with many great people in our industry during this time. in all areas of golf administration So if you are reading this and considering membership, join! Considering coming to more events, do! Need to pick up the phone and unload, call! We hope that the e-magazine will throughout Queensland. Membership to GMAQ is open to all Golf Club Managers and administrators within Queensland. broaden the resources available to managers – aiding the fulfillment of their occupational objectives. That’s what GMAQ is to me. Until next edition, I hope the weather is kind, your tee shots are straight, business is good and you smile a lot! Mark Whiting - Editor GM Ballina Golf and Sports Club Publisher GOLF INDUSTRY CENTRAL Morlo Pty Ltd ACN 123 872 784 ABN 1812 3872 784 PO BOX 4743, Robina Town Centre Robina, QLD, Australia 4230 Contents may not be reproduced without written permission. Views expressed in editorial contributions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this publication and it’s management. GMAQ Committee President Aaron Muirhead Nudgee GC Captain Scott Wagstaff Carbrook GC Treasurer Gavin Lawrence Keperra Country GC Secretary Sharon Purnell Mt. Coolum GC Committee Andrew Webb City GC AUTUMN 2018 Committee Jason Looker Coloundra GC I GMAQ   3