GLUTEN FREE awareness magazine March 2019 | Page 9
Join our Community
Become a Health Professional Affiliate
Health professionals, such as GPs, gastroenterologists and dietitians,
are invited to join us as an affiliate.
Why join Coeliac Australia?
Becoming a health professional affiliate of Coeliac Australia will
assist you with answering questions from patients, planning gluten
free diets and increase your overall understanding of coeliac
Joining Coeliac Australia will give you all the tools and information
you need to best adhere to a gluten free diet, currently the only
medical treatment for coeliac disease. Our members and affiliates
are provided access to trusted expert advice, numerous resources
and discount benefits, further outlined below.
Affiliates are provided with, or have access to, many useful
resources, including...
By joining, you will also support Coeliac Australia’s work on behalf
of people with coeliac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis or those
otherwise requiring a gluten free diet. Your membership/affiliation
also helps support medical research, community awareness and
food service education programs.
• Ingredient List booklet – easily identify if an ingredient is gluten
free at a glance. Over 1,000 ingredients listed.
• Facts sheets – a variety of fact sheets to assist with planning a
healthy gluten free diet for your patients, including identifying
gluten free foods, incorporating low GI foods, tips on getting
enough fibre and more! You will receive a hard copy of each
fact sheet and originals can be accessed when you login to
our website.
Membership Benefits
Your many membership benefits include:
New Membership Resource Kit
• Regular printed and/or electronic publications and updates,
including The Australian Coeliac quarterly full colour magazine
and monthly e-newsetter.
A complete introductory resource guide to eating gluten free, full of
informative materials and yummy gluten free product samples.
Ongoing Information, Discounts and other benefits
• Subscription to The Australian Coeliac magazine (quarterly)
• Membership Card – providing access to 5% off 700+ eligible
products at Coles and other partner discounts
• Monthly e-newsletter
• Access to trusted, expert advice and support, and the
Members only website area where you will find many
helpful resources, such as travel guides, fact sheets, and local
restaurants list as recommended by other members
• Free Ticket to your nearest Gluten Free Expo (Sydney,
Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth)
• Your membership also supports CA’s advocacy work on behalf
the coeliac disease community, including medical research,
community awareness and food service education programs
Who can Join?
There are two options available for
individuals to join Coeliac Australia, as
Member – available to people
with a formal diagnosis of coeliac
disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and
other associated conditions medically
requiring a gluten free diet OR, the
parent/guardian/carer of a charge/
child under the age of 18 who is
diagnosed with one of these.
Affiliate - people without a formal diagnosis, or any person
interested in learning more about coeliac disease, dermatitis
herpetiformis and the gluten free diet.
As a Member or an Affiliate, you will have access to
the same resources and services, except Members
alone have voting rights.