GLUTEN FREE awareness magazine March 2019 | Page 34
Our 2018 survey confirmed that eating
out remains the number one challenge for
those following a gluten free diet.
The food service project began in 2013 and
is still a key priority. While a lot of progress has
been made, we still have a long way to go.
The 2019 Coeliac Awareness Week theme,
#treatglutenseriously, captures our message to
chefs and food business owners to treat gluten
as they would a nut allergy. Establishing correct
processes in the kitchen is essential to providing
genuine gluten free options; covering everything
from ordering ingredients, receiving deliveries,
proper storage, food preparation and service.
Our Gluten Free Accreditation Program, gives
gluten free diners confidence to eat where they
see our gluten free symbol. These businesses have
been audited and had randomly selected gluten
free menu options tested to ensure they meet
Australian Standards of ‘no detectable’ gluten.
To date, this program has had 100% annual
renewal rate from participating businesses, partly
due to how they have been embraced by our
members and supporters. The program is set to
expand further to include our first regional site in
WA, our first SA site and a food truck in NSW.
We would love to have accredited choices for
every Australian living with coeliac disease and
you can help by handing out our catering cards.
These cards promote our programs and resources,
and many of our newly accredited sites contacted
us, saying, “One of your members told me about
your program. I would like to find out more.”
We thank you for supporting these businesses and
ask that if you share food shots on social media,
please tag @CoeliacAust, #treatglutenseriously
and #eatwithconfidence. It also means a lot if
you let the business owners know how much you
enjoyed being able to eat out with confidence.
Projects like this are funded by our members and
benefit everyone living with coeliac disease. If you
want to help us spread the word, please consider
making a donation ‘to the work of Coeliac
Australia’, join and renew your membership.
Cathy / Partnerships and Sponsorship Manager
Brian’s Gourmet Meats
1st anniversary
Created a new flavour gluten free sausage, Spiced
Pork and Apple, for the month of March, in support of
Coeliac Awareness Week.
Beach Buns Burgers
1st anniversary
Introduced a gluten free breakfast menu and all day
coffee since becoming accredited.
McDonald’s McCafés
McDonald’s Rutherford, Singleton and Greta
5th anniversary
First sites to be accredited when the Coeliac Australia
Gluten Free Accreditation Program launched in 2014.
McDonald’s Maitland Food Court
1st anniversary
New site opened to the same owners.
We love hearing about
great dining experiences
from both our accredited
businesses and their gluten
free customers. Maria, the
owner of Café Henkel, recently told us that
she had the most rewarding day at a recent
function they catered for. A mother was in
tears as her little boy with coeliac disease and
multiple allergies was able to eat (outside the
home) for the first time in his life. Maria said it
reinforced the Café Henkel
philosophy that all of the
family should be able to
participate in a meal.