Life after Methadone with Jesus

Jonie Alcorn

"Watch for my book on Amazon and particpating book stores nationwide the first week of October"

Nahum 1 (msg)

From now on I'm taking the yoke from your neck and splitting it up for kindling, I'm cutting you free from the ropes of your bondage!

In the year 2004, I was delivered from Methadone. However, In my past, I was addicted to pain medications. I had been on opioids almost all my life. I asked my doctor for help, instead I was switched to Methadone and was given 137 mgs, and that was for two years. I would also take Xanax along with them to amp the dosage a bit, (deadly combination) I am a living, walking, testimony to all around me ― That if I can do it, anyone can. I did not do this by my own power or might! It was only through prayer, fasting, and a lot of faith. Sometimes other peoples faith; that I was victorious! If you don’t think I needed God to save me from drowning...your dead wrong! God is ALIVE and on HIS throne!

Having faith of your deliverance will surely set you free. I know what your thinking, "easier said than done," because I thought the same thing when everyone had the faith that I didn't seem to have. I remember the day, I received the word of the Lord. I prayed so many years for this word; when it finally came, I was scared to death, Why? Because withdrawal from opioids was a terrifying thing for me. Isn't that funny that when the Lord answers His children to a prayer long time prayed, we freak out forgetting this is exactly what we asked for! We are so afraid of what our bodies will feel and demand, that we will literally run ourselves crazy keeping this demon shoved down and quiet and the only way to do that is to feed it, more and more pills until it is comfortably numb! My new book is all about being "comfortably un-numb"

How bad do we want free? Bad enough to put your foot down and tell your body and brain to shut up and come into submission? What would you do if someone was making your child do something that was slowly killing them? I believe you would stomp your foot down real hard! Well that is what God did for me!

I promise you, I wanted free really bad, when that word from the Lord came ― I took it and ran with it. I said "OK, He must really love me!" So since I believed that, I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I went in not knowing what to expect other than the fact that, I was on 137 mgs of liquid Methadone and had been for two years. I only knew that others had tried and failed and some being fatal. So here we go, when that word came to my pastors on September 7th, 2004, I believed and stepped into action. I never went back to the Methadone clinic September 8th or any day for that matter....I listened to worship music (mercy me, casting crowns, mikes chair, etc.) and played it constantly in the back ground. I took bathes, I called people for prayer, I told everyone who knew me, what I was doing, so I could have support and their prayers. BUT, watch who you tell, they are going to speak negatively into your situation You only need Godly counsel and to hear God's truth. What seems impossible to you, is not with GOD.

The lord promised, through His word of deliverance, I would be free on the 7th day, and a new beginning on the 8th. That is exactly what I got. I pray you read my book entitled “Life after Methadone with Jesus,” It will encourage you. I have held nothing back, no matter the disgrace I might have felt while writing it. The Lord told me it would set an infinite number of His people free, and so that is what I did. I wrote everything that led to my using opioids, the deliverance period and after. To have the hand of the Lord upon me felt amazing. I knew I would never go back. the Lord said "seven days" and he meant that. All I had to do was believe and count them down, and that I did as well.

I did it, I made it, and I am so grateful to God for this! Do you realize I would still be on liquid poison till this day or dead one, had I not put my entire life into God's hands? Lets face it...I wasn't doing a real good job on my own. How about you?