GLOW When Freedom Dies | Page 3

lurk a devilish lie. During that fateful time, freedom will vanish— at least from human governments. Shockingly, the Bible calls this globally enforced delusion the mark of the beast.“He causes all,” God’s Word warns, “both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads … ” (Revelation 13:16). The consequences of receiving this evil “mark” will be disastrous. Whoever knowingly accepts it—after first being urgently enlightened by a loving God to resist it—will be doomed forever (see Revelation 14:9-11). The Bible’s warning is clear. We should take it seriously. If you Google “mark of beast,” you will discover endless opinions. Speculation abounds. Most interpret it as a technological mark, but this is mere guesswork. The Bible further clarifies that “… he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast” (Revelation 19:20; emphasis supplied). Thus those who get the mark are “deceived,” or tricked, to their eternal loss. Now think about it. If this deadly “mark”—whatever it is—was utterly obvious, then how could the majority of earth’s inhabitants be misled, as Revelation clearly predicts? In this small tract only so much can be said. So, without beating around the bush, its time to get to the main point. Look closely. In the context