Isaac Newton’s
Forgotten Discovery
Isaac Newton, known for making many
groundbreaking discoveries in science,
mathematics, and astronomy, is in fact,
“considered by many to be the greatest and
most influential scientist who ever lived.1” A
lesser known fact about Isaac Newton is his
discoveries in the areas of religion, including his
belief that the system of Roman Catholicism was
the antichrist power.2 Notable others held the
same view such as King James himself,3 Martin
Luther4 (Founder of the Lutheran church),
John Calvin5 (Prominent Theologian), John
Wycliffe6 (Oxford Professor), Thomas Cranmer7
(Archbishop of Canterbury), John Knox8, and
most of the Protestant reformers.9
Why would Newton and these intelligent
men, some of them founders of churches,
believe such unsavory things about an
institution which runs orphanages, schools,
hospitals, and has exemplary members like
Mother Teresa? Simply put, they understood
the book of Daniel, specifically chapter seven, in
a way that many have forgotten.
So what did Isaac Newton and others know
about the book of Daniel that brought them