GLOSS Volume 2, Issue 7 - 2018 | Page 37

P R O F I L E “ We need to channelise our talents in the right direction and stay put in our shoes. ” some of the high-end showbiz entities wanted to take me to India and USA. Twice my visa to India was rejected and once for the USA. However, once people see me perform, they give me a lot of love and respect. Now, people take me seriously as I am a professional. I tell everyone with pride that I belong to Pakistan. What advice would you give aspiring tribute artists? Since you are giving a tribute to the real artist, make sure you do justice in every term as the audiences don’t like anyone disrespecting their favourite artist. Copying legends isn’t easy at all when you are on stage. Be humble. Be nice. Respect your audience. Respect every nation. Be strong and ready to take criticism well. How has being Mudassar Jackson changed your life and what are your other goals? My life changed when I wore the title of “Mudassar Jackson.” It has taken me various places across the globe. It has impacted my surroundings and dreams in positive terms. It has broken all those boundaries that were in my way for me to show my talent across the globe. My goals are very normal. To be more creative. To be popular and with my popularity, help others too. Push limits of talents and work in movies as either a music director and perform with big names from each country of the world. To make my nation proud with each performance. Lastly, your favourite MJ song? A very tough and typical question. I swear I can’t tell you one, but off the top of my head, it’s "Thriller." I love the way it’s done. It’s groovy, different and extraordinary. Quincy Johns and Michael Jackson both made a gigantic track and that’s why till today no one has been able to break this song’s popularity.