Text By Saneela Jawad
he first Pakistani movie for 2018, Parchi released on everyone.
more than 100 screens across Pakistan on January Tell us a little bit about your respective character and how did
5, 2018. It hit cinemas in USA, UAE & Canada on you prepare for it?
the 12th of January 2018 and in France on the 19th of Hareem Farooq: My character Eman is a total badass,
January 2018.
but super emotional as well. She is very different to
what I am in real life. Before we had the final version
Soon after the release of its trailer, and songs, ‘Billo Hai’ of my character, it had developed really well behind the
and ‘Imagine,’ the audience waited eagerly for its release. scenes. She started off as a really mellow person. A major
reason to develop that was that we didn’t want to show
GLOSS got a chance to catch up with Imran Raza Kazmi, the heroine to be bubbly. Since our main theme was the
Hareem Farooq and Ali Rehman to get a sneak-peek into ‘parchi system,’ we wanted to incorporate the idea of a
their characters and the movie itself.
woman’s ability to lead men. So, that is what Eman did,
watch the movie to find out more.
Tell us about Parchi?
Imran Raza Kazmi: Parchi is a full-on action-comedy Ali: My character’s name is Bash. He is a conman who is
film, with a love triangle. It is an entire entertainment trying to get away from the mob. He has a particular way
package for you and your family.
of doing things, and his methods get him into trouble.
Bash is self-taught,
The word ‘Parchi’
street smart and
we are referring
trusts only a few
‘extortion money.’
Ali and Shafqat
Unfortunately, in
Khan, are his best
Pakistan, there was
a time when this
always in some sort
was very common.