I learnt to deal with adversity early on.
I grew up in New Zealand in Napier
in a single-parent family and watched
my mother set up a pottery business
and turn it into a financially successful
venture that supported us. At a young
age I observed how her positive mind
brought a positive outcome in many
challenging business situations and that
has helped me so many times in my
own career.
passion both professionally and
personally and provides a wonderful
working environment. The ultimate
reward is to see people achieve their
own potential and develop their own
I also believe the growth of the business
is closely aligned to my own personal
growth. A deep understanding of
myself allows me to understand others.
I value my ability to work with highly
The driving force in the success of
creative individuals that can excel in
Sodashi, however, has always been
their own brilliance. Trusting is vital,
our people; it’s because of this that I’m but also using my innate ability to care
committed to investing in people first. I and listen, and also giving and sharing
believe the health and wellbeing of each with others the tools and experience to
individual team member is paramount help them succeed and reach their own
to having an engaged and dynamic
team to move the business forward.
Over the past 14 years I have financially Someone once told me I have an eye
supported over 40 employees to learn
for talent. An example of that is a
transcendental meditation, giving them staff member that came to work for
a tool to remove stress. This has been
me at the age of 19 as the company’s
fundamental to creating a collaborative, third employee. She had first been
caring and cohesive work environment. inspired to work with me after
We have group meditation at the office listening to a presentation I gave at
every afternoon.
her beauty therapy school. For me the
responsibility of employing someone
I’ve shared my passion for natural
so young, that potentially you would
health and wellbeing, using outside
influence their whole career, never left
consultants to inspire with their
me. After she showed great initiative as
knowledge. For example, I’ve engaged a an administration assistant, I appointed
resident Bowen therapist who provides her as the company’s international spa
the opportunity for each person to book trainer. She travelled the world training
their own personal treatment.
spa teams and together we developed
Sodashi’s world-class training program.
Not only do I find supporting the
Some years later I offered her the
growth and development of others
position as Sodashi’s general manager
heart-warming, but it also encourages
which she accepted. She went on to