GLOSS Issue 22 JUNE 2015 | Page 25

until next time you want to wear it. instructions. Now, if all you do is go away and decide to follow washing instructions, my work here is partly done. What do I mean by that? Well, deciding to purchase the asset is simply the first step. Sure it might be one of the hardest and most exciting steps but it should always be the first step. After that you should follow step-by-step care instructions to make sure your asset is protected and looking its best for the long term. However I think too often we’re following the care instructions on our clothes, but we’re not thinking about the care instructions on the biggest and most expensive assets that we’re purchasing. Let’s use the example of the commercial Let’s take a large, expensive, commonly property of a business and look at the I THINK TOO OFTEN WE’RE FOLLOWING THE CARE INSTRUCTIONS ON OUR CLOTHES, BUT NOT ON THE BIGGEST ASSET