GLOSS Issue 20 FEB 2015 | Page 25

people, advice, education and business tools are all in one place, accessible anywhere, on any device, any time. We’ve designed it to deliver real business value and results and we are working hard for it to be engaging, easy, quick and dynamic to meet the evolving needs of the Citizens.’ What Entropolis aims to do on a virtual level is what the best cities try to do in the real world; build useful infrastructure, manage population and traffic, control pollution (in this case limit non-essential and non-relevant information), provide meaningful guidance and governance and, above all, constantly evolve to meet the wants and needs of the citizens living there. Under Tania Price’s stewardship, she is ensuring that Entropolis is no Orwellian work of speculative fiction but hard reality. This is, after all, a city built for those who are firmly positioned for entrepreneurial success. While the foundations and tools are in place to get started, the culture within the city will ultimately be determined by its citizens and not the founders. The final piece of the Metropolis puzzle is the role of The Icons. These are the rockstars of the entrepreneurial stage and they sit as patrons at the top of the Entropolis hierarchy. They’re not quite the Jedi High Council but I would admit to following a few of these masters. They are there to provide inspiration when the journey gets a bit rough for their fellow citizens. They won’t be your personal mentors but their stories sit as a ‘you can do it, because they did’ for the seekers of the Entropolis community. Entropolis is going to succeed, because it is unique. It is brave, it is bold, and above all, it is needed. I have been on the beta version of the platform, and it works. As a complete geek, I love it. As an entrepreneur and owner of my own business, I love it even more. In the words of a certain famous individual, ‘there’s only one person in the world who’s going to decide what I’m going to do and that’s me’. If Charles Thatcher Kane had enjoyed the good fortune to have access to Entropolis, then blackmail or no blackmail, I think he would have decided to be a very, very successful... Citizen., the new place to be for entrepreneurs, is open for new Citizen registrations from Wednesday February 17.