GLOSS Issue 12 MAY 2014 | Page 14

Dr Lois Frankel just wants to see you BE BRAVE Cassandra Heilbronn I recently had the good fortune of interviewing Dr Lois Frankel, PhD and author of international best-seller Nice Girls Still Don't Get the Corner Office, which just celebrated its 10th anniversary with a new edition being released. In celebration of Women's History Month, Dr Frankel released a video on her YouTube channel ( drloisfrankelphd) titled 'I just wanna see you be brave', aptly scored with Sarah Bareilles hit song "Brave". In continuing with the theme of Being Brave, Dr Frankel shares her thoughts on the importance of being brave and what to do when faced with adverse circumstances in your career or business. Your video features a lot of inspiring women from throughout history, including Australia’s own Nova Peris and Quentin Bryce. What inspired you to make the video? The song inspired me first. As I listened to it I envisioned all of these women from history who have impacted the lives of other women in so many ways either through their work, being role models, or the sacrifices they made. We stand on their shoulders and must be reminded to continue their work. Then when I realised it was Women’s History Month it seemed like the perfect time to recognise the achievements (and in some cases sacrifices) of such diverse women to this upbeat and inspirational song. Why is it important that women, especially successful business women, are reminded of the importance of being brave? The world isn’t an easy place to live these days. I don’t know that it’s ever been, but I’ve been around for over six decades and it seems to be getting harder, not easier, despite technology and legislation designed to help women. I want women to remember that many of the women portrayed in the video were poor and uneducated yet that didn’t stop them from making a difference. If they could do it, we can do it. Just as these women were brave, so must we be if we want to create change for the next generation. That change can be focused on the social structure, political issues, or ensuring opportunities for women to be financially independent. When a woman entrepreneur is successful it’s her responsibility to take another woman with her. I believe each one must teach one. When she does, she’s not only brave, but she’s helping another woman to be brave as well.