 To intervene in the development of organizational improvement programs that derive from the administrative function. Financial accounting is the branch of accounting that is responsible for collecting, classifying, recording, summarizing and reporting on the cash value transactions performed by an economic entity. Its main function is to take in historical form the economic life of a company. It is also known as external or general accounting and, in conjunction with administrative accounting and cost accounting, composes the accounting structure typical of any organization. Abogado lawyer, counselor, attorney. Abono installment, allowance Abrir un credito to open a line of credit Acciones shares, stock Acciones preferentes Preferred stocks Accionista stock holder Acelerar to accelerate, expedite Aceptación acceptance Acreditado credited, well known Acta, minute Acta de constitución Certificate of incorporation Actividad o giro de la sociedad purpose of the corporation Activo assets Activo circulante current assets Actual present, current Acumulación accumulation, accrual Acumulado accrued, cumulative