 Accounting for operations in accordance with current regulations and organizational policies. Accounting operations is to make an accounting entry describing the operation, using accounting documents. Single account plan (PUC) Commercial Code Activo Pasivo Patrimonio Ingreso Gasto costo de ventas costo de producción cuentas deudoras cuentas acreedoras clase grupo cuenta subcuenta auxiliares debe haber cuenta T asiento contable asiento simple asiento compuesto recibo de caja factura de venta comprobante de egreso nota debito nota crédito cotización cheque pagare letra de cambio orden de compra Pedido Remisión Plan único de cuentas (PUC) Código de comercio Active Passive heritage entry spending sales cost production cost debit accounts creditor accounts class group account subaccount auxiliaries must assets T account accounting seat simple seat composite seat cash receipt bill of sale disbursement voucher debit note credit note quotation check i wll pay bill of exchange purchase order Order Remission