GloPID-R Roadmap for Data Sharing in PHEs | Page 7
Enhanced public health and research data shar-
ing during Public Health Emergencies (PHEs)
can result in significant public health benefit.
Data sharing during PHEs is not currently
sufficiently effective, has many challenges and
is dependent on the establishment of collabo-
ration in advance of emergencies. This roadm-
ap aims to accelerate effective data sharing
by highlighting measures GloPID-R research
funders can take to improve research data
sharing by their grantees and to advocate for
increased research and public health data shar-
ing more widely. These measures are aligned
with the GloPID-R Data Sharing Principles 1 and
wider global policy work on data sharing and
have been produced through a series of reviews
and consultations commissioned by GloPID-R
over the last two years.
(Recommendations 2 & 3) will be necessary
to ensure that grantees can progress to meet
these standards and that they do not disad-
vantage researchers, particularly in Low- and
Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).
Much of the essential public health and re-
search data that needs to be shared for
research purposes in PHEs is not held by
current GloPID-R funder grantees. Networks
need to improve to bridge disciplines, especially
between research and public health practice
(Recommendation 3). GloPID-R funders need
to work as a group to further align with ex-
ternal stakeholders, especially national and
regional bodies in the affected areas, which
need to take the lead on research prioritisa-
tion and data sharing in PHEs in their locations
(Recommendation 4).
A strategic framework with embedded recom-
mendations is presented to GloPID-R members
with the expectation that different funders may
be able to take on different recommendations
and some will need collaborative action.
It is acknowledged that some funders can act
with more agility than others can and therefore
both short- (Recommendation 5a) and medi-
um-term (Recommendation 5b) recommenda-
tions are given to foster a culture and support a
trusted infrastructure where data sharing is an
integral part of research.
A review of GloPID-R members identified the
opportunity to strengthen funder requirements
for rapid data sharing in PHEs. High standards
for expectations on data sharing for GloPID-R
grantees can be set, whilst acknowledging that
not all institutions and researchers will cur-
rently be able to meet these (Recommendation
1). Associated tool improvement, capac-
ity strengthening and building of trust
Some of the recommended actions will require
innovative funding mechanisms and commit-
ment. Further development of each of these
recommendations will be required by GloPID-R
for implementation by those funders and wider
stakeholders who decide to take them on.