GloMag GloMagMarch2020 | Page 6

magazines. Besides, he has translated four books of poems. He shies away from public celebrations and prizes. Inner bliss he is showered upon through creativity is the greatest prize. REVIEW BY GLORY SASIKALA There are few agonies in this world that equal that of waiting for a missing person, a loved one, who, for all you know, you may never see again. There's no closure. The psychological burden is great, sometimes to the point where those waiting tend to completely neglect their own needs and of those dependent on them and focus all their energy in search of the missing person. There are accompanying guilt and anxiety, social and emotional withdrawal from present living because of lack of closure, and obsessive compulsive behavior to know the truth. They feel guilty about enjoying life because to stop worrying and searching is to abandon hope. This is the story of two friends, Arun and Naresh, in search of their missing friend, Siddhartha, aided by the last person to see him before he disappears, his sister, Ranjani. That Arun and Naresh are very close is evident throughout by the way they stand in no formality with each other; the way they feel at peace and happy in each other’s company... 6