GloMag GloMagMarch2020 | Page 189

That the Ancients were right and the forgotten virtues Need to be re-membered.. What it feels like to be alone And how to improve on the solitude? How to keep your own company and not feel lonely? Those who felt 'untouchability' was ok, how does it feel now? A Midas moment...all the 'gold's in front of your eyes, And you are sick of it? The birds are singing yet, the flowers yet blossoming... Has it made any difference at all in this world, That the companies are closed? Or that the children are not at school…? Is it not a revelation...that there is a 'beyond'? The primal, primveal values of 'being' and breathing, How precious air is 'within' and without… Oh thou, wearing the hat of the Teacher of the time, You have shown what it is to cleanse 189