GloMag GloMagApril2020 | Page 363

apprehension of non-being able to have the amenities of life dissuades him from further activity. In the prime of youth and pick of health he thinks about future diseases and old age and in plenty he sees adjunct poverty. It is human experience that most of our fears and apprehensions do not materialise. In most cases, fear and apprehension do not have a basis of its own. To nurture and nourish it is the worst thing that can happen to man. The greatest thing is to lead a fearless life and bravely face adverse situations as and when they come. Smruti Ranjan Mohanty: Smruti Ranjan Mohanty, O.F.S, son of Raj Kishore and Shantilata Mohanty is a multilingual poet, essayist and writer. His write-ups are published in 363