Only 22 families from West Pakistan
controlled 66 percent of the country‟s
industries, 79 percent of the
insurance companies and 80 percent
of the banking organization. This
picture showed glaring example of
disparity in economic sector of
Cultural factor
The culture of two wings was
distinctly different. By historical
background, landscape, rivers, poetry
and music East Pakistan was a distinct
region. Cultural and social practices of
the people of East Pakistan are
diametrically opposite to those of
West Pakistanis. In spite of distinct
differences the ruler in Central
government, which was dominated by
West Pakistanis, had made an attempt
to impose Urdu as the only language
Economic issue
The economic exploitation remained a
weapon in the armory of the ruling
class to curb the voice of the common
people in the under developed
countries in particular. From the
economic point of view, East Pakistan
remained neglected. The people of
East Pakistan felt that their region was
being exploited to mobilize their
resources to serve the interest and
needs of the people in West Pakistan.
For example, East Pakistan had a
favorable trade balance with foreign
countries during 50‟s and 60‟s.On
the other hand; West Pakistan ran a
deficit foreign trade balance. East
Pakistan earned about 60 percent of
country‟s foreign currency while she
received less than 30 percent of
imports. Jute, jute goods, tea enjoyed
world markets during Pakistan period.
A constant deficit in trade between
the two wings was the fact of
exploitation. This clearly indicated a
transfer of East Pakistan‟s resources
to western part of Pakistan. This also
demonstrates the fact that East
Pakistan served as the captive market
for the industries of West Pakistan.
Agriculturally, West Pakistan was not
developed but with the construction
of gigantic Mangla and Tarbala dams,
huge land mass came under irrigation
agriculturally west wing developed
enormously. No such step was taken
for the agricultural development of the
East wing of Pakistan except Kaptai
dam for producing hydraulic power
generation. Only dam was in East
and Major-General served from West