Geographical factor
Former East Bengal which became
East Pakistan under one unit formula
of the Central government and West
Pakistan were 1200 miles apart;
Geographically, the two wings of the
former Pakistan were vastly divergent.
West Pakistan, which includes most of
the Indus River system, also portions
of the mighty ranges of the Hindu
Kush and the Himalayas. Former East
Pakistan is a semi-tropical land, most
of which lies near Sea level. It flows
On June 3rd 1947, the British
government announced a policy
statement, which is known as the
Mountbatten plan, recognizing the
inevitability of the partition of India.
As a part of the plan Pakistan and
Union of India was born on 15
August 1947 under the provisions of
Indian independence Act of 1947
passed by the British House of
Commons. In Pakistan, there were five
provinces each having its own
provincial assembly .East Bengal was
one of the provinces of Pakistan. The
most difficult and so far almost
insurmountable problem with which
Pakistan was confronted had been that
of the nature of federalism and the
relationship of the constituent
provinces with the central government
of the erstwhile Pakistan. The main
reason for the emergence of
Bangladesh were the lack of Bengali
participation in decision –making
process in Pakistan and the colonial
style economic exploitation of East
Bengal by the central government.
Bengali speaking population was the
majority segment of the citizenry in
the erstwhile Pakistan. Four basic
factors, which contributed in breaking
Pakistan, were geographical, political,
economic and cultural.
the basis of religion. The differences
were resolv