Globally Local
Year 1, Issue 3
March 2014
Imran Hasnat
Mohammad Amjad Hossain
Elanie Styne
Ishtiaque Alam
Gerard Toal
01 A Sense Of History Shared: Birth Of
13 The Cost of Conflicts
15 From Somali Coast to Southeast
Asian Waters: Shifting Hotspots of
19 Could Crimea be another Bosnia?
[email protected]
In the recent outpouring of condemnation over Russia’s annexation of
Crimea, commentators have sharply rebuked the Kremlin’s discursive
construction of the crisis. Putin’s justifications for military intervention are
invariably chastised as phoney – a mere cover-up for his strong-arm tactics
and nationalistic ambitions. Russia’s media outlets are dismissed as peddling
an addictive diet of lies. World is now again facing a cold war like
environment. We desperately need the world leaders to work towards peace
in this time of crisis.
In this issue of GLOCAL we have addressed several global issues ranging from
independence struggle of small states to global conflicts. Here at GLOCAL
we value the freedom of expression to utmost point and thereby claim
to be unbiased to any interpretations. We wish to provide credible platform
for prospective authors to endeavor into academic discourse, yet views and
opinions expressed in the articles of GLOCAL are entirely author's own.
We hope that you enjoy this issue of GLOCAL and keep us inspiring through
your feedback. Happy Reading!!!