GLOCAL Jan 2014 | Page 35

Instead of a non-inclusive and nontransparent process, this time the entire membership came together to negotiate. Every delegation had a chance to participate in the negotiating process. People all around the world will benefit from the package delivered here: the businesses community; the unemployed and the underemployed; the poor; those who rely on food security schemes; developing country farmers; developing country cotton growers; and the leastdeveloped economies as a whole. Ambassador Omar Hilale of Morocco said ―this package is not an end — it is a beginning‖. As a consequence of progress here member states will now be able to move forward on the other areas of work, which have been stalled for so long. With the Bali package members have reaffirmed not just their commitment to the WTO — but also to the delivery of the Doha Development Agenda. The decisions those have taken here are an important stepping stone towards the completion of the Doha round. The Bali package may have frequently seemed impossible, but now it is done. Sarker Partha Pratim is a development activist and an IR graduate. He can be reached at [email protected] 32 Still a long way to go There is still much to do. Some of the issues discussed here in Bali remain to be solved. In this regard, negotiators need to prepare a clearly defined work program on the remaining Doha Development Agenda issues. This plan should build on the decisions taken in Bali, particularly on trade facilitation, agriculture, development and LDC issues. Developed and least-developed members played their full role in these negotiations that helped to shape a package which strongly serves their interests. Page Duty-free, quota-free access for least developed countries to export to richer countries‘ markets. Many countries have already implemented this, and the decision says countries that have not done so for at least 97% of products ―shall seek to‖ improve the number of products covered.