GLOCAL February 2014 | Page 33

108* Ethiopia 183* Kenya 105* Nigeria 113* Rwanda 166* South Africa 100* Uganda 121* Zambia 161* Zimbabwe 116* *signifies probable death before 5 years of age. Former World Bank head James Wolfensohn commented about AIDS in the Security Council session that: ―Many of us used to think of AIDS as a health issue. We were wrong………….nothing we have seen as a greater challenge to the peace and stability in African societies than the epidemic of AIDS………….we face a major 3. Bioterrorism After the September 11 attacks in the United States in 2001, mailing of anthrax spores in the USA, biological weapons used by Iraq against its Kurdish population in 1988 and the attack on Tokyo subway station using sarin by the Aum Shinrikyo cult in 1995 all have provided evidence of use of biological materials for harmful purposes. The aftermath of any incident where biological weapons are used against common people have become the matter of discussion and research in many western countries. Health issue becoming more and more considered not only as a development issue but also as an issue of security. Globalization as a process of disease multiplication It is an undeniable fact that globalization has opened immense opportunities for men. As it is not possible today to remain separate from the entire world, so what is required is to take adequate effective prevent measures. Most of the diseases those spread throughout the world are very difficult to cure. We 31 Cameroon development crisis and more than that, a security crisis.‖ Page Brookings scholar P W Singer shows the number of Childs per 1000 children who will born with AIDS in Africa by 2010: