GLOCAL February 2014 | Page 11

Economic sanctions by America, Security Council of the United Nations and the west for more than decades has severely impacted on In spite of the present interim deal President Obama will face challenges from hardliners in the Republican Party and from his own Democratic Party who are allied with Israeli leadership in Tel Aviv. If he succeeds to curtail power of Iranian to produce atomic bomb, it will become another legacy of President Obama to resolve three decades gridlock in international arena and justify his Nobel Peace Prize that he won in 2009 for his ―extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples‖. * Mohammad Amjad Hossain, retired diplomat from Bangladesh; former Joint-Director of biggest and oldest Children Organization of Bangladesh: Central Kachi-Kanchar mela and former President Nova chapter of prestigious Toastmaster International Club of America, writes from Virginia, USA. 9 The interim deal will help Iran to export more crude oil and if Iran fulfills its commitment in six months‘ time she will be allowed to be transferred in installments worth $ 4.2 billion. From Iranian perspective this interim deal will pave the way for comprehensive deal with western countries because Iranian are suffering badly .Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Zaved Zariff, who was main negotiator from Iran, was described as Ambassador of peace who said, no to war, sanctions, surrender and insult. From the Gulf countries Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain has welcomed the deal while Saudi Arabia expressed unhappiness. the economy of Iran and its people in general. Least developed county like Bangladesh also suffered because of economic sanctions against Iran. A statistic shows export of jute and jute products to Iran is stopped which caused loss from $ 1 billion in the year 2010—2011 to $889.45 million in July and May period of 2010-2011. Moreover, suppliers from Bangladesh could not realize payments as Iranian banks are blacklisted. Page In exchange Iran will be given access to about $ 4.2 billion of its foreign currency holding frozen in bank oversees while Western government would relax restriction with regard to trade in petrochemical products, precious metal and airplanes and automobile parts. Rest sanctions will remain in place until comprehensive deal is signed with Iran by six world powers of the world. The present deal is the result of secret talks through Omani intermediaries with Iran by Obama administration as revealed by the Washington Post of November 25, 2013.