Restricted Sectors ( FDI disallowed )
< Gambling and Betting < Lottery Business < Atomic Energy
< Retail Trading ( except single branded product retailing )
< Agriculture
Sectoral Caps on FDI in certain industries < Defence Production ( 26 %) ( illustrative list ) < Insurance ( 26 %)
In case of a LTD company , where paid up capital exceeds INR 50 million ( USD 1,104,100 approx )
In case paid up capital exceeds INR 50 million ( USD 1,104,100 approx )
Environment Protection Act Restrictions on hours worked by employees
Number of Indian employees which triggers employer 10 obligation to provide employees state insurance ( manufacturing units )
Number of Indian employees which triggers employer 20 obligation under provident fund scheme , bonus act
Minimum bonus to be paid to an employee drawing INR 10,000 or less
On retrenchment / lay off / closure
< Telecommunication ( 49 %)
< Print Media ( 26 %) i . e . publishing of newspapers and magazines dealing with news and current affairs
< Civil Aviation - Domestic Airlines Sector ( 49 %)
< Single brand trading ( 51 %)
Appointment of a Managing Director mandatory
Company Secretary involvement
Local state laws applicable 48 hours per week maximum
8.33 % of basic wage
Compensation is provided to employee