Globex Holdings Keys to Investment: India | Page 54

S . No . Sector / Activity FDI Cap / Equity Entry route
16 .
Hazardous chemicals , viz .,
100 %
hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives ; phosgene and its derivatives ; isocyanates and diisocyantes of hydrocarbon
17 . Retail
a )
Single Brand product retail trading
100 %
b )
Multi Brand Retail Trading
51 %
18 . Industrial explosives Manufacture 100 % Automatic
19 .
Industrial parks both setting up and
100 %
in established Industrial Parks
20 . Insurance 26 % Automatic
21 .
Investing companies in
100 %
infrastructure / services sector
( except telecom sector )
22 .
Mining covering exploration and
100 %
mining of diamonds and precious
stones ; gold , silver and minerals .
23 . Non Banking Finance Companies a . Merchant banking 100 % Automatic b . c . d . e . f . g . h . i . j . k . l .
Underwriting portfolio Management services Investment Advisory Services Financial Consultancy Stock Broking Assets Management Venture Capital Leasing and Finance Factoring Credit Rating Agencies Financial Leasing and Hire Purchase Finance m . Housing Finance n . o . p . q . r .
Forex Broking Credit Card Business Money Changing Business Micro credit Rural credit
24 . Petroleum and natural gas sector
a .
Other than refining and including
100 %
market study and formulation ; investment / financing ; setting up infrastructure for marketing in petroleum and natural gas sector .
b .
49 % in case of PSUs and
FIPB ( in case of
100 % in case of private
PSUs )
Automatic ( in case of private companies )