Globex Holdings Keys to Investment: India | Page 46


5 . OTHER LAWS & REGULATIONS 5.1 Intellectual Property Rights ( IPR )
IPR is a collective term and includes the following
• Patents
• Copyrights
• Trade Marks
• Registered Industrial Design
• Protection of Integrated Intellectual Design
• Geographical Indications
The IPR regime in India is essentially regulated through the following laws :
• The Patents Act , 1970
• The Patents ( Amendment ) Act , 1999
• Patents ( Amendment ) Act , 2002
• The Patents ( Amendment ) Ordinance 2004
• Patents ( Amendment ) Act , 2005
• The Patents ( Amendment ) Rules , 2006
• Copyright Act , 1957
• The Trade Marks Act , 1999
• The Design Act , 2000
• The Design Rules , 2001
• The Geographical Indication of Goods ( Registration and Protection ) Act , 1999
• Geographical Indications of Goods ( Registration and Protection ) Rules , 2002
Patents , designs , trademarks and geographical indications are administered by the Controller General of Patents , Designs and Trade Marks which is under the control of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion , Ministry of Commerce and Industry , Government of India .
5.2 Competition Act
The MRTP Act dealt with some issues of competition , antitrust and merger , but was too limited in the present scenario of liberalization and globalization . The main focus of the MRTP Act was to check the concentration of economic power with a few controlling monopolies and prohibit monopolistic and restrictive trade practices . The government of India enacted a modern competition law in the form of the Competition Act , 2002 and established the Competition Commission of India ( CCI ) to carry out the objectives of the Act . Once the Competition Act is enforced in totality , it would repeal the MRTP Act and would dissolve the MRTP Commission established under the MRTP Act .