GLOBE October 2017 October 2017 | Page 26

GLOBE - Growth.Leadership.Organisation.Business.Education 25 4

What matters in Knowledge Management (KM)? This question, asked in the context of an organization becomes: What matters in Knowledge Management of an organization?

What matters in KM should mirror what matters for the organization. Conversely, what matters for the organization, then, should be of concern and focus on what matters for the KM programs therein.

Knowledge Management and The Leader’s Role: What Matters - By Hendri Ma’ruf

Understanding the main concerns of the organization is the pre-requisite to practicing KM. Getting the most relevant to achieving the organizational goals and mission is the pre-requisite to designing how a KM program would look. Therefore, understanding the business nature of the organization is part of the understanding.  

What concerns an organization is something that needs a solution urgently and importantly—it is one type of concern. That means something usually relates to what current bad situations or challenges it experiences. It could be in operational, marketing, financial, management/system, or people (human resources) aspect.

In many organizations, medium-sized to large ones, management has been equipped with knowledge and tools

knowledge and tools of solving problems about day-to-day operations or strategic concerns. If in a situation, they feel lacking the theory and the tools, they know what to do, where to look into, and who to ask.

Another type of concern is something foundational that has a lot to do with keeping the advantageous position in the market. That means the concern is more on the competency of the organization.