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How to Be Confident and Speak in Public Without Preparation

8. Don't pay heed to the expressions of your audience. Many people have blank expressions or frown when they concentrate on something

9.Start with a good salutation and keep it light. Smile and let people know you are comfortable with speaking to them.

10.Don't talk as if you know everything and are some kind of "smart guy", who just can't be proved wrong.

11.When you get stuck, murmur something and let your audience know that you are thinking, not as if you have forgotten something. Say "urrm" or "How should I put it?" Or even short "Errrr" would also do. Remember, don't get dumbfounded on stage and suddenly stop speaking and look around blankly

12.Finally, Keep your audience engaged, don't get boring and use difficult words which you know the audience won't understand.

13.Don't get judgmental and be prejudiced in your speech.