Globe Magazine 3 3 | Page 2

In the February/March issue of the school magazine GLOBE you will read the following contents:

"Interview with the director"...............(Viktorija Trajcevska,Marija Nedelkovska II1)

"Valentine's day".............................(Angela Trajkovska II2)

"Facts about 8 march"......................(Marijana Jonovska II2)

"8th March"............................. (Fanche Jovanovska II1)

"Enjoy Spring"......................... (Hristina Gorgijovska IV2)

"Spring Allergies".....................(Pavlina Lozanovska IV2)

"Nutrition"............................ ( Sofia Stojanovska, an associate producer)

"How to be confident"................... (Viktorija Trajcevska II1)

"Top 5 books"................................... (Stefani Matevska II2)

"Sport"......................................... Hristina Naumovska II2)

"Film"............................................(Sara Trajcevska II2)

"X-factor".....................................(Martina Gjorevska II2)

If you like the articles or you maybe want to suggest some topic, you can adress the english teacher Vesna Minovska.

AND if you would like to become a member in our english club, contact with:

-Viktorija Trajchevska (magazine editor)

-Marija Nedelkovska (president of the English club)

-Fanche Jovanovska (recorder)

Our English club