GSAIR 2024 28
53.33 % of companies now require serviced apartment providers to evidence their sustainability credentials in all RFPs . This is a significant increase on 35.71 % in 2023 .
33.33 % require the same evidence in some RFPs , down from 50 % in 2023 , whilst just 13.33 % don ’ t require any such proof , virtually unchanged from 14.29 % a year ago .
Agents say 45.45 % of their clients require evidence in all RFPs and the same figure require evidence in some . 12.5 % of operators say all RFPs and 50 % of some RFPs they have received in the last twelve months have required evidence of their sustainability initiatives .
43.75 % of corporate buyers say their organisations have calculated their Scope 3 emissions , almost twice 2023 ’ s figure of the 21.43 %. 25 % of buyer organisations have calculated their Scope 2 emissions , a three-fold increase on 2023 ’ s 7.14 %.
Just under a third ( 31.25 %) of buyer organisations have not calculated their greenhouse gas emissions to any degree . In 2023 , 64.29 % stated this to be the case , highlighting the progress made in just twelve months .
Amongst agents , 33.33 % say their organisations have calculated Scope 1 emissions ; 28.57 % have calculated Scope 2 and 19.05 % have calculated Scope 3 emissions .
Only 4.69 % of operators say they have calculated Scope 3 emissions , compared to 13.79 % in 2023 . 9.38 % say they have calculated Scope 2 emissions , compared to 15.52 % in 2023 . 21.88 % of operators say they have calculated Scope 1 emissions , which compares to 22.41 % in 2023 .
However , the bulk of serviced apartment operators have made no progress at all . In 2023 , 68.10 % had not yet calculated their GHG emissions . Twelve months on , in 2024 , 64.06 % of operators still have not calculated their emissions .
Fig . 15 Proportion of RFPs requiring evidence of providers ’ sustainability credentials 2024