Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report 2024 | Page 36



Looking to the year ahead , 80 % of buyers say their average length of stay is unlikely to change . This is a big turnaround from 44.44 % who made the same prediction in 2023 . The remaining 20 % predict their average length of stay will be longer , also at 44.44 % in 2023 .
68.16 % of agents say their clients ’ length of stay averages 30 + nights , compared to 87.1 % in 2023 . 18.18 % of agents report an average 45 + nights length of stay .
75 % of buyers say their serviced apartment costs have risen compared to 2023 ; 12.5 % say they have stayed unchanged . Unsurprisingly , none report that rates have fallen .
Fig . 5 Corporates ’ predicted average length of stay 2024 vs . 2023