Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report 2023 | Page 5


Report methodology

The 2023 edition of the Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report has been responsibly compiled from annual proprietary research and selected secondary sources , both in and closely aligned to the serviced apartment sector .
The bulk of this report is based on data from the dedicated survey undertaken especially for this report . This was conducted during Q1 of 2023 amongst a refreshed and consolidated database of 3,000 corporates , serviced apartment operators and agents .
The survey ’ s findings were then presented to , and discussed with leading corporate buyers , agents , and operators in a series of one-to-one interviews conducted between March and May 2023 .
Although the questions posed in this year ’ s survey have been updated to reflect current market trends , comparisons with previous years have been included to highlight trends where appropriate .
For this edition , we have focused on primary sources , with secondary sources kept to a minimum . Where secondary sources are used , information sources are fully attributed .
Credit : Adagio