Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 6, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 10

Global Security and Intelligence Studies
suggest that four years of integration and contact with refugees have reduced intergroup fears .
Kadir Altintas rounds out our research section with an in-depth look at modern economic espionage . The research takes a detailed look at the structural and methodological differences in the transfer of technology for both industrial and corporate espionage . As cyber warfare and attacks continue to increase in effectiveness and accessibility while decreasing in cost the opportunity for non-state espionage for economic gain is also increasing . The research offers a methodological model , the Industrial-Corporate Espionage Pyramid , as a unifying model to explain instances of espionage .
We are excited to expand our peer-reviewed offerings to include non-empirically based critical analysis . As many of you are keenly aware the academic community at large is founded on direct reporting of qualitative and quantitative empirical processes delivered in a rigid Introduction-Methods-Results-Discussion / Conclusion format . This type of research is intended to offer replicable and familiar constructs for researchers to base future projects . It is the tried-andtrue basis of academic research , however limits scientific discourse in a way that hinders the promulgation of new ideas and theories . The unique aims and scope of GSIS to foster academic-practitioner discourse makes the move to broaden our research offerings a natural one . The new section , Critical Analysis , will offer non-empirically based research that presents new theories or discusses known topics at a higher academic level . Like other research articles presented within GSIS , the Critical Analysis section will offer double-blind peer-reviewed articles which represent the highest academic standards .
In our first Critical Analysis offering , Joshua Duke employs a Red Cell analytical examination of radical Islamic terrorist organizations as case studies on the phenomena . Looking into examples such as the Islamic State , the Haqqani Network , and al Qaeda , the author examines the factors that influenced the exportation of their unique forms of religious extremism . Drawing on these conclusions recommendations for counterterrorism strategies are discussed alongside the implications for national security and intelligence operations .
Margaret Marangione contributes to our Critical Analysis section with an in-depth discussion of information warfare and the global impact of its effects . Using disinformation campaigns identified and attributed to nations such as Russia and China the research discusses and outlines the cognitive effects that disinformation has on individuals and groups . The research highlights how nation-states at large have continued to exploit the modern hyper-connected world to achieve strategic objectives that were once only achievable through kinetic warfare .
We have two excellent policy offerings for this issue . In our first policy discussion , William Harlow discusses why Speech Communication is a vital , and an unfortunately overlooked , academic field in the security industry . His informative