Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 5, Number 1, Spring / Summer 2020 | Page 36

Global Security and Intelligence Studies Palabras clave: operaciones psicológicas, operaciones de influencia, guerra de información, psicología, operaciones de información, sexto dominio, dominio psicológico 心理学作为一个战争领域 摘要 运用心理学来获得优势对抗敌人 , 这从战争起便存在。心理战的起源早于这一现代称呼 , 并且军事领导人从一开始便试图理解敌人 , 并影响后者的行为。本文中 , 作者使用传闻和古代事件实例 , 将心理学作为一个战争领域的历史进行探讨 , 并选择特定时间阶段 , 其间美国或其他国家使用过心理学参与战争。就俄罗斯使用影响力及其对美国造成的影响进行探究 , 将强调信息环境下的战争是什么。作者随后将简要探讨当前的信息战状态 , 并就信息战未来在互联世界中如何发展提供见解。 关键词 : 心理操作 , 影响力操作 , 信息战 , 心理学 , 信息操作 , 第六领域 , 心理领域 Introduction While there are many Sun Tzu quotes touting the importance of psychology in war, one quote highlights the benefits of using psychology prior to and during war: “One need not destroy one’s enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage” (Nylan 2020). Destroying the enemy’s willingness to engage can take several forms: from causing the enemy to defect to convincing them to avoid engaging in the first place. In order to convince the enemy to avoid or cease engagement, one needs to understand how the enemy thinks: their motivations, background, fears, and culture. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of how psychology has always been part of large-scale conflict using examples throughout history. By providing these examples, the authors intend to emphasize the importance of a focused effort of utilizing psychology as a warfighting domain moving forward. In order to examine the role of psychology as a warfighting domain, the authors define the terminology used throughout this paper. The authors then discuss examples of psychological warfare from ancient history and mythology. Then the authors then explore case studies chronologically 22