Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 5, Number 1, Spring / Summer 2020 | Page 112

Global Security and Intelligence Studies the evaluators, did not measure metacognition. Test C had questions that required test-takers to consider their biases, assumptions, and evaluations, but in multiple-choice test format, which was the format for all three tests. The drawback of multiple-choice is that they do not provide qualitative data. Even so, it was determined that Test B was the most effective in measuring critical thinking and included real-world scenarios that applied directly to defense professionals. Critical Thinking Test B Findings Test B was administered to a random sampling of twenty junior and senior IAs employed by a defense contractor and working at numerous military locations. Interestingly, in this cohort, individuals who had training in analytic methodologies had low scores on the critical thinking test. In fact, only three IAs out of twenty stated that they used analytical methodologies on the job. Out of those three, one had low scores and two had moderate scores (Marangione and Long 2019). Also concerning is the testing results measuring precise contexts; 53 percent of the cohort of IAs did not manifest this skill, as illustrated in Figure 8. Because of the cost factor, the test was only administered to a small sample. It is understandable that conclusions cannot be drawn from such small a sample; however, the results appear to support the conclusions drawn by the IC. It should be cautioned that critical thinking skill tests might not predict job-related performance and this is an area for further study. Critical thinking tests are a tool, but only one tool in the toolbox for measuring an employee’s critical thinking aptitude or at least their skill level when hired. Some researchers have also postulated that general intelligence ability, as measured by critical thinking tests, does not predict an individual’s critical analytic thinking skills. Instead, it found that “critical thinking predicts task performance above and beyond the ability of general intelligence” (Eslon 2018). Also, according to Statistics and Research Methods Professor Hilary Campbell, assessment tests are inherently and seriously flawed, and their results cannot be evaluated in a silo. For example, she feels that assessment tests may just measure a person’s ability to take tests (Campbell 2019). Critical thinking tests suggest the importance of measuring and testing critical thinking skills when making evidence-based decisions while hiring, but they are not the only means and certainly should not be used exclusively. Their results suggest the potential benefits of measuring critical thinking skills in the hiring process and testing before and after analytical training to gauge the effectiveness of training. The Way Forward Significant research shows that metacognition can be a skill that is developed over time and must be fostered by employers by encouraging and welcoming strategies to employ critical thinking in the workplace. This 98