Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 4, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2019 | Page 13

Global Security and Intelligence Studies
This paper presents its analysis in several sections . It begins with a brief historical examination of terrorism in U . S . law for context . The next two sections divide the analysis of lone wolf terrorism laws into pre- and post-9 / 11 . This division seems appropriate based on the significant shift in legislative activity after the attacks of 9 / 11 on the U . S . government and private sector . The public debate regarding terrorism laws arguably crescendoed with the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act forcing Congress and the Executive Branch to shift USIC legislation from focusing on intelligence collection to the development of legislation directly addressing terrorism . Finally , the paper will conclude with some recommendations and thoughts about the future of laws as they relate to lone wolf terrorism .
Impact of Analysis


review of laws and policy is essential for several reasons . Many other disciplines have benefitted from annotated reviews of laws as they apply to particular topics . For instance , the discipline of cybersecurity helped from Fischer ’ s report regarding the legal environment for cybersecurity laws in his paper by allowing researchers to compare new and existing laws against the nascent landscape of the cyber domain ( Fischer 2014 )” page ”:” 77 ”,” source ”:” Zotero ”,” event-place ”:” Washington D . C .”,” abstract ”:” For more than a decade , various experts have expressed increasing concerns about cybersecurity , in light of the growing frequency , impact , and sophistication of attacks on information systems in the United States and abroad . Consensus has also been building that the current legislative framework for cybersecurity might need to be revised .”,” number ”:” R42113 ”,” language ”:” en ”,” author ”:[{“ family ”:” Fischer ”,” given ”:” Eric A ”}],” issued ”:{“ date-parts ”:[[“ 2014 ”, 12,12 ]]}}}],” schema ”:” https :// github . com / citation-style-language / schema / raw / master / csl-citation . json ”} . Within terrorism studies , Zelman provides a solid overview of recent , general terrorism laws ( Zelman 2001 ). From a different disciplinary perspective , Behuniak offers a review of humanitarian intervention by armed forces , and Wildenthal submits an overview of laws as they relate to Native American sovereignty ( Behuniak 1978 ; Wildenthal 2017 ). This brief list is a small sampling of the hundreds and hundreds of articles demonstrating the usefulness of legal overviews . What is lacking is an overview of terrorism laws as they relate to lone wolf terrorists .
Second , providing a single resource for a reference regarding laws on specific topics benefits future researchers by allowing easier comparing and contrasting of relevant statutes . This paper fills this missing gap concerning U . S . legislation and policy concerning lone wolf terrorism . Scholars investigating this unique aspect of terrorism will benefit from the background information and the context demonstrating how the U . S . government legal corpus evolved to incorporate lone wolf terrorism .