Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 4, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2019 | Page 32
Intro statement
Forging Consensus? Approaches to Assessment in Intelligence Studies Programs
Appendix A
This interview has 10 questions and is intended to get some context and insights in
to your assessment program. If you would like any comment to be unattributed or
excluded from my study, please let me know and I will ensure that is done.
I. Creation of Assessment Program
(1) How was the assessment program created?
Who initiated/drove the process?
Sources of inspiration for the content of the assessment program? (other
programs, practitioners, etc.)
(2) To date, has your program’s assessment system been revised?
II. Conduct
If so, why was the change sought and by who?
(3) How would you characterize your faculty’s view of assessment?
(4) Are there any direct incentives for faculty to participate in the assessment
(5) Based on your experience, which assessment tool has been most useful?
(6) Does your institution provide any additional resources to support your
implementation of the assessment plan?
(7) Do you have any program-level assessment measures that are in addition to
what is required by your institution?
(8) Do any of your assessment measures require the participation by people
outside of your program, such as external reviewer?
III. Utility
(9) Has your program been modified based on the findings of a past assessment
(10) How would you characterize the value of your assessment system to your