Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 3, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2018 | Page 12

A Psychological and Political Analysis of a Twentieth Century “Doctator” 相关的各种恩惠表现为他从一名医生到成为海地终身总统。本文从心理和政治方面对杜瓦利埃进行了分析 , 追溯了他的早期政治发展 ( 在此期间他受到海地地区美国军队的强烈影响 ) 、他在密歇根州接受研究生医学教育、以及最终成为当权者并支配恐怖主义反对那些挑战其政治权威的人。杜瓦利埃母亲所患的精神问题对他造成的心理影响、以及之后他使用的巫毒意象 , 加上越来越严重的自大和偏执 , 这些都在他作为政治独裁者的行为背景下进行了探讨。弗朗索瓦 · 杜瓦利埃从医生到政治独裁者并实施恐怖主义的非凡经历不仅具有历史性 , 还具有现实意义 , 因为当前国际政治景观中继续出现意料之外的政治领导者。 关键词 : 弗朗索瓦 · 杜瓦利埃 , 医生独裁者 (doctator), 独裁者 , 心理传记 , 决策 , 领导力 , 偏执 , 自恋 The psychological study of political leaders provides researchers an opportunity to better understand political behavior and elite decision-making. Through leadership assessments and profiles, scholars can better understand how personalities and the environment can impact political decision-making. Early works in this area typically focused more on the political ends as evidenced by Lasswell’s (1930) early work, rather than on the “personological” (Immelman 1993). However, modern research into this area has taken on an increasingly psychological focus as researchers attempt to understand varying psychological components that go into decision-making and how a person’s characteristics impact their decisions. Barber’s (1972) work on Presidential Character, for example, uses psychobiography, a method which looks at a person’s history, to develop a typology of presidential character. Through Barber’s (1965, 1972) influential works, leadership analysts have continued to strive for a more nuanced approach to better understand the decision-making of world leaders, particularly when they are autocratic leaders with a firm grip on power and near total control over domestic and foreign affairs (Hermann 1976). One subset of world leaders that has captured the attention of political psychologists is the political dictator. Research on dictators has taken many forms, including classic inquiries into their behavior, along with analyses on the relationships they have with their subjects. Within the United States (U.S.), early work profiling dictators can be directly tied to research commissioned by the Office of Strategic Services (the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency) whose subject of interest was Adolf Hitler (Post 2003; Coolidge, Davis, and Segal 2007). To 11